Join the AAUP

We invite and encourage all members of the Faculty, (tenured, tenure-track and non-tenure track) to join the AAUP. Please use the online form below, or alternatively fill out and return this membership form.

Why Join?

Membership in the AAUP provides:

  • A subscription to the journal Academe, featuring articles on current issues in higher education.

  • Access to AAUP reports and publications containing data and analysis regarding the current state of higher education.

  • A voice for faculty in government, the judiciary, and accreditation and regulatory agencies.

  • Assistance for faculty members facing career-threatening difficulties.

The Iowa Conference

The UI Chapter is a member of the Iowa State Conference. Statewide conference meetings are held each fall and spring at rotating locations. The state conference newsletter, the Iowa Academe, is sent to all chapter members.